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Brian Blackford, President

Tony Hahn, Immediate Past President

Barb Coury, Vice-President

Karen Hewett, Treasurer

Tanya Sovinski, Secretary

Brian Blackford, Project Manager, Center for Community Economic Development

Mary Catherine Brown, Retail Agriculture Business Specialist, Indiana Farm Bureau

Brian Cardinal, Purdue University

Barb Coury, Regional Chief Development Officer, Red Cross Indiana

Timothy Devereux, Attorney, Ladendorf Law

Tony Hahn, Director of State Relations and Policy Analysis, Purdue University

Kristin Hess, Marketing and Brand Manager, FlashPoint

Karen Hewett, General Manager, Rook

Adam Kline, Attorney, Bose McKinney & Evans

Rachel Miller, R.D., K12 Specialist and Local Farm Liaison, Piazza Produce

Nitin Naidu, President, Spice Box

Ali Norman, Social Media Manager, Borshoff

Clay Robinson, Owner, Sun King Brewing Co.

Ann Schmelzer, Global Chief of Staff, Cummins, Inc.

Libby Simmons, Writer, Pivot Marketing

Christopher Simpkins, Attorney, Smith Amundsen, LLC

Morgan Snyder, Senior Communications Manager, Visit Indy

Tanya Sovinski, Director of Community Relations, AES

Bob Whitt, Executive Director of White River State Park